Special Awards
SkillsUSA North Carolina offers a variety of special awards to recognize the hard work of its students and teachers. Please review the awards below and see if you are someone you know would be a great candidate for any of these great opportunities.
All award applications should be submitted by the deadline identified in the Conference & Competition Packet downloadable at http://www.skillsusanc.org/state-conference .
Chapter Excellence Program
The purpose of this award is to recognize healthy SkillsUSA Chapters that are engaging their members in local chapter activities, are supporting student leadership at the local level, and truly integrating the SkillsUSA Framework.
Click Here For More Information and to Apply
Outstanding Member
The purpose of this award is to recognize SkillsUSA members who have served their organization diligently at the local, state, or national level. Advisors: You may additionally nominate one of your exceptionally-outstanding members for the Willis M. Parker or Adam J. Thompson Memorial Award - simply identify that when you submit your Outstanding Member applications to us.
Click Here to Download Application
Advisor of the Year Award
This award is for an advisor who has gone above and beyond to give to their students a life-changing experience in the classroom and is committed to helping them gain that experience through SkillsUSA. Advisors who participate in the Chapter Excellence Program (if they win this award) will be eligible to enter the process for Advisor of the Year at the national level.
Click Here to Download Application